
ODOO - An Introduction - from a common user view

 Being a  Oracle ERP user -when we are facing much constrains on customization  with regard to   its cost and obliviously  cloud  license cost-  ODOO - we found  close to our business requirement  . ---ODOO -Founder ->>  Fabien, So here is simple  info on ODOO Odoo is a suite of business management software tools including CRM, e-commerce, billing, accounting, manufacturing, warehouse, project management, and inventory management to name a few. The Community version is a libre software, licensed under the GNU LGPLv3.  Wikipedia Operating system :  Linux , Unix-like,  OS X ,  Windows ,  iOS ,  Android Preview release :  master Developer :  Odoo SA Initial release date :  February 2005 Programming languages :  Python ,  JavaScript ,  XML Stable release :  14.0 /  October 2, 2020 ; 5 months ago ------------Hope to Get more post on ODOO--------------